Fake Dad Peels Back The Layers Of Being A “FASHION GIRL” With Throwback 80’s New Wave Single
Fake Dad, New Single Liam Grocki Fake Dad, New Single Liam Grocki

Fake Dad Peels Back The Layers Of Being A “FASHION GIRL” With Throwback 80’s New Wave Single

“FASHION GIRL” is angsty, nostalgic, and pays homage to groundbreaking throwback styles like 80’s new wave and 90’s female led riot grrrl punk. Fake Dad tells the story of a personal best friend breakup while offering commentary on a variety of topics like beauty standards, body and gender dysmorphia, daddy issues, insecurity, and female rage.

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Fake Dad Acknowledges Impending Doom With A Groovy Beat On Alt-Pop Single “New Machines”
Fake Dad, New Single Maria Herrera Fake Dad, New Single Maria Herrera

Fake Dad Acknowledges Impending Doom With A Groovy Beat On Alt-Pop Single “New Machines”

“New Machines” is dreamy, electrifying, and captures the experience of younger generations who have grown up in a world characterized by tragedy and fear; reflecting on global stressors, like the climate crisis, “New Machines” channels a care-free sound reflective of the consistent lack of seriousness society seems to meet very real issues with.

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