Avara Paints a Vivid Picture of Desire on New Single “if you picked up”
Avara, New Single Jackson Stickrath Avara, New Single Jackson Stickrath

Avara Paints a Vivid Picture of Desire on New Single “if you picked up”

“if you picked up” effortlessly transports listeners to a smoke-filled room laced with luscious R&B vocals and hypnotic harmonies. Avara wistfully wishes for one last conversation with her partner despite being aware of its inevitable detriment. However, through intricate production with ensnaring synth and a cathartic chorus, Avara hopes listeners pick up their phone to play this song instead of calling their toxic ex.

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Carlos Rising Is “Simply In Love” In New Lo-Fi Inspired Single
Carlos Rising, New Single Liam Grocki Carlos Rising, New Single Liam Grocki

Carlos Rising Is “Simply In Love” In New Lo-Fi Inspired Single

“Simply In Love” is a heartfelt, hopelessly romantic love letter exploring the unequivocable sureness that comes with a true, profound love. Rising’s tenderly emotive vocal meanders through subtle keys and Lo-Fi drums, taking listeners on a journey through his experience of finding comfort in the entanglement of two lovers.

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Avara Encourages Listeners That They Are “golden” Just The Way They Are On Luscious R&B Single
Avara, New Single Liam Grocki Avara, New Single Liam Grocki

Avara Encourages Listeners That They Are “golden” Just The Way They Are On Luscious R&B Single

“golden” is a majestic, radiant R&B snapshot of a profound acceptance of our innate humanity through the ebb and flow of love, life, and making the space to shamelessly honor our truths regardless of the circumstances we find ourselves in. Avara entrances listeners with a rich, classic R&B feel, soulfully decadent vocals, and reassurance of their self-worth especially through times of romantic turmoil.

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Fake Dad Peels Back The Layers Of Being A “FASHION GIRL” With Throwback 80’s New Wave Single
Fake Dad, New Single Liam Grocki Fake Dad, New Single Liam Grocki

Fake Dad Peels Back The Layers Of Being A “FASHION GIRL” With Throwback 80’s New Wave Single

“FASHION GIRL” is angsty, nostalgic, and pays homage to groundbreaking throwback styles like 80’s new wave and 90’s female led riot grrrl punk. Fake Dad tells the story of a personal best friend breakup while offering commentary on a variety of topics like beauty standards, body and gender dysmorphia, daddy issues, insecurity, and female rage.

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Adam Monaco Approaches Conflict From A Fresh Perspective In New Single “Nevermind”
Adam Monaco, New Single Liam Grocki Adam Monaco, New Single Liam Grocki

Adam Monaco Approaches Conflict From A Fresh Perspective In New Single “Nevermind”

“Nevermind” is a soulful indie-folk track rooted in connection and empathy that speaks to the level of conflict in the world presently and throughout history. Enmeshed with ethereal acoustic soundscapes, Monaco offers a sense of release from the element of futility that goes hand and hand with disagreement through examining the notion of compromise over conquest.

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AZRA Wears Her Heart On Her Sleeve In Cathartic Pop Rock Anthem “i wish you would cry”
AZRA, New Single Liam Grocki AZRA, New Single Liam Grocki

AZRA Wears Her Heart On Her Sleeve In Cathartic Pop Rock Anthem “i wish you would cry”

“i wish you would cry” embodies the inevitable experience of coming to terms with years of repressed emotions as they come to a boiling point. AZRA confronts feelings she didn’t even know she had, gives herself the grace to process those emotions in her own way, and redefines her meaning of strength in this epic ode to reclaiming control of your narrative.

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Amelie Jat Blossoms Into Her Villain Era On New Angst-Filled single “YOU RUINED MY BIRTHDAY”

Amelie Jat Blossoms Into Her Villain Era On New Angst-Filled single “YOU RUINED MY BIRTHDAY”

“YOU RUINED MY BIRTHDAY” is a spunky, angst-filled track that speaks loudest to anyone who’s ever cried on their birthday. With an infectiously danceable pop-rock/pop-punk melody, cascading drums, all encompassing electric guitar, and a stunning funk-kissed bridge, Amelie perfectly channels her frustrations after realizing that the more pressure we put on things, the more that can go horribly wrong.

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Steinsdotter Finds The Joy In “Dancing In The Shower” With New Hypnotic Retro Pop Single
Steinsdotter, New Single Liam Grocki Steinsdotter, New Single Liam Grocki

Steinsdotter Finds The Joy In “Dancing In The Shower” With New Hypnotic Retro Pop Single

“Dancing In The Shower” is a feel-good pop track that coasts along a refreshing spring breeze under the slow-warming morning sun. This flirtatious single enamours listeners with Steinsdotter’s ethereal vocal delivery floating atop heavy funk bass lines, fluid percussion, and silky synths embodying inspiration from retro pop styles like boogie and lounge.

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She Is Jules Brings Listeners To Therapy In Stunning Pop Single “Do Therapists?”
She Is Jules, New Single Liam Grocki She Is Jules, New Single Liam Grocki

She Is Jules Brings Listeners To Therapy In Stunning Pop Single “Do Therapists?”

Bay Area singer-songwriter She Is Jules offers a unique perspective on the relationship between therapists and their patients through her vibrant pop single “Do Therapists?.” She Is Jules showcases her genuine disposition through thoughtful and authentic songwriting on “Do Therapists” that meets fans with infectious melodies and uniquely relatable lyrics.

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